Personal Data Policy

 For South Africa, please click on Data Privacy Policy or PAIA Manual.

MARECHAL ELECTRIC undertakes that the collection and processing of your data, carried out from the site, will comply with the Data Protection Act in force.

 Table of Contents


A - Why do we collect your data?


B - For whom are your data intended?


C - How do we protect your data?


D - How long do we keep your data?


E - What are your rights under the Data Protection Act?


F - What is a cookie?


G - What cookies are used on


H - How to disable cookies on



A - Why do we collect your data?

 Your data are subject to computer processing implemented by MARECHAL ELECTRIC to feed our CRM and make you known to our sales representatives.

Your identification, allows us to better target our customers, and to offer you products that correspond to your needs.  

 The fields marked with an asterisk on the collection forms are mandatory MARECHAL ELECTRIC will not be able to process your request if these fields are not completed.
Your data are collected by MARECHAL ELECTRIC directly from you by means of collection forms.


B - For whom are your data intended?

Your data are intended for the services of the company MARECHAL ELECTRIC.


C - How do we protect your data?

 We take every precaution to preserve the security and confidentiality of your data, in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged, disclosed or accessed by unauthorised third parties.


 D - How long do we keep your data?

 We will keep your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes set out in this document or as required by applicable law.

Data used to establish proof of a right or contract, or kept in compliance with a legal obligation, are archived in accordance with the provisions in force.

In the absence of legal provisions, your data are kept for a period of 3 years from their collection or the last contact or termination of the commercial relationship. After this period of three years, we may contact you again. In the absence of a positive and explicit answer from you, the data concerning you will be deleted.


  E - What are your rights under the Data Protection Act?

 In accordance with French and European regulations relating to the protection of personal data, you have a right of access, rectification, opposition and deletion of personal data concerning you.

You may also object to the processing of your personal data. You can exercise these rights by writing to the Customer Information Department at the following address: Marechal Electric, Marketing Department 5 avenue du chemin de Presles 94410 St Maurice, France, or by e-mail at


 F - What is a cookie?


 A cookie is information placed on the hard drive of an Internet user by the server of the site he visits. It contains several data: the name of the server which deposited it, an identifier in the form of a unique number, possibly an expiry date. This information is sometimes stored on the computer in a simple text file that a server accesses to read and save information.

You are free to choose, at the time of your first connection, if you wish that cookies are deposited on your hard disk.

However, you must accept cookies in order to fully use our website.

 G - What cookies are used on


 3 categories of cookies have been determined in order to make the information on cookies as clear as possible in this policy:

  • Technical cookies: these cookies allow you to move around the website and use its features.
  • Functional cookies: these cookies allow us to store your preferences on the site. It can be to memorize your basket or to record your information of connection to remain connected at the time of your next visit. Their aim is to improve the functioning of the site.
  • Cookies to measure audience: these cookies allow us to analyse your navigation and allow us to measure the audience of our website.

 H - How do I disable cookies?

 You have the option to disable cookies through your browser.


Most browsers automatically accept cookies unless you have changed the settings. By continuing your visit to our site, you agree that cookies are set in accordance with our cookie policy. If you do not want us to install cookies on your computer, you can deactivate the installation of cookies in your browser. Certain cookies that we are required to install on your computer are essential to the proper functioning of our site, which is why it is important that you note that your refusal to install cookies from MARECHAL ELECTRIC will cause navigation difficulties on our Website.




Update: APRIL 2018